Glastonbury Earth Angels of Norwich

    • "Its good to talk"

Glastonbury tarot cards reader Julie Grimes telephone ,Private & Email Readings available

    • Telephone readings 30 minutes for £18

    • £25 for 1 hour+ telephone reading

    • One to One 30 minutes £30

    • 1+ hour reading £45

    • Year ahead Reading One to One £50

    • Mini 12 card Year ahead Telephone reading £18

    • Email year ahead 12 card one for each month £20


Is sadly no more :( I read that the owner of the land went up and said it died so just took it with all the ribbons gifts on it ,sad to here this as you would have first thought he would have put a notice informing of his intention as a sigh of respect for the people who have been trying to heal and also think of this spot as a holy place and the offerings they placed on the tree or around the tree should have been placed in a box so people could collect if they chose. It was a place that has been visited for centuries by people of all faiths To be cut down and taken without a thought is disgraceful .

But just like the Ace of Staffs The Glastonbury Thorn It will return because the sacred Thorn is a symbol of what lies beneath (A seed was planted centuries ago ) and what Glastonbury The old town that is the heart of GT Britain adjoined to Avalon magical ,mystical ,spiritual also were the fairy folk rule just saying :)

The delightful Glastonbury Tarot was created by artist and author Lisa Tenzin-Dolma. She painted every single tarot card using oil paints to capture the magical

and archetypal of Glastonbury.

Glastonbury has many names: Avalon of the Heart, the new Jerusalem, Ynis Witrin...

The Glastonbury Tarot invites you to an archetypal journey through the

mists of myth and the esoteric of the Tarot

Using the Glastonbury cards

When I get the thorn tree it always come up that you can cut me down try and destroy my soul But my soul is strong because I am part of a large family we are strong enough to overcome hate that really is fear of the unknown by a few people That you can only feel sorry for as there world has no magic and they do not know or experience the true feeling of Glastonbury the heart chaka of Gt Britain and being part of mother earth .

I use the Glastonbury tarot cards when i have asked about the thorn tree i always get new life growing seeing this photo maybe be neglect allowing other plaints to smother the new shoot or maybe they are being protected whatever it is sending healing won’t hurt

Christmas Glastonbury

Glastonbury a magical place click on the links for more information about Glastonbury then book a visit you will not be disappointed

Thank you for Visiting Stay safe be happy and if everything seem out of Control STOP count to Ten and take a couple of long deep Breaths Many Blessing Julie xxx .